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中国法律法规英文翻译,法律法规 英语怎么说

来源:整理 时间:2022-12-18 15:22:58 编辑:律生活 手机版


1,法律法规 英语怎么说

Laws and regulations
law and regulation

法律法规 英语怎么说


Section 2319 of Title 18 :第18个标题的第2319章 Copyright Act:版权法 USC:United states congress 的缩写 美国国会 According to Section 506(a) of the Copyright Act:根据版权法第506(a)章 。。。was punishable according to provisions of 18 USC 2319:根据美国国会2319号文件,。。。是要受到惩罚的。
1 这些应该都是些法律条款的条款编号 Section 2319 of Title 18 应该是第18条下2319 项/款 2 According to Section 506(a) of the Copyright Act...was punishable according to provisions of 18 USC 2319 根据版权法案的第506(a)项/款。。。根据美国国会法案的第2319款的规定,是应受惩罚的 以上供参考,本人非法律专业



2001 revised \u0026quot;Marriage\u0026quot; for the first time in the field of marriage and family established a system of divorce damages, to fill our system of divorce damages the gaps in the legislative level, for the marriage divorce damages the parties to provide a legal basis for the request . This paper focuses on \u0026quot;Marriage\u0026quot; in the compensation system for Divorce law, divorce, and then as a basis for analysis of the constituent elements of damages, and damages system of divorce in recent years, combined with the application to the system\u0026#39;s shortcomings in the judicial practice discussed and then the perfect proposal, only hope that the system can adapt to the social development
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