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3,法律中cestui que vie和contra proferentum 如何翻译

根据布莱克法律词典, cestui que vie是法文,愿意是he or she who, 意思是:The person whose life measures the duration of a trust, gift, estate, or insurance contract.即,在保险,信托,赠与等合同中,以自己生命的期限作为这些合同的存在期限的人(如某人寿保险合同以A的生命为合同期限,则A为cestui que vie).现在又发展出一个意思,是人身保险合同中的被保险人。contra proferentum是拉丁文,原意为against the offeror,是“不利于提供者原则”,用于书面文件的解释,意为文件中的模棱两可之处应做最不利于文件起草者或文件提供者的解释。
你好!被保险人 逆编者释义:合同法中常用原则,是指对争端中出现的模糊、矛盾或各持己见的合同条款,原则上将按照对编写者最不利的情况进行解释。由于合同的编写者通常不是承包商,因此这种解释一般会对咨询工程师或业主不利,否则就会显失公平。打字不易,采纳哦!
Cestui Que Vie:被保险人Contra Proferentem逆向利益解释原则;逆合同草拟人利益解释规则;反意居先合同解释原则免责条款有疑义时,应作不利于制作文件人之解释,此即所谓“Doctrine of Contra Proferentem”

法律中cestui que vie和contra proferentum 如何翻译


The Company is a private company and accordingly: 公司是私营的,因此: a) the right to transfer shares is restricted in the manner hereinafter prescribed; 股份的转让权严格按照以下规定; b) the number of members of the Company (counting joint holders of shares as one and not counting any person in the employment of the Company or of its subsidiary and any person who while previously in the employment of the Company of of its subsidiary was and thereafter has continued to be a member of the Company) shall not exceed fifty (50); 公司成员(指股东)不能超过50(将联合股东计成一人,现任职的或曾任职的公司及其子公司雇员不计)。 c) any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares in or debentures of the Company is prohibited; and 禁止公开发行公司股份及债券 d) any invitation to the public to deposit money with the Company for fixed periods or payable at call, whether bearing interest or not bearing interest is prohibited. 不论是否支付利息,禁止公司向公众吸收定期或活期存款。
1 这些应该都是些法律条款的条款编号 section 2319 of title 18 应该是第18条下2319 项/款 2 according to section 506(a) of the copyright act...was punishable according to provisions of 18 usc 2319 根据版权法案的第506(a)项/款。。。根据美国国会法案的第2319款的规定,是应受惩罚的 以上供参考,本人非法律专业
私有性质的公司条件如下: 1.股份的转让权应严格按以下方式进行; 2.公司合伙人不能超过50人(这里的合伙人是以是否持有公司股份而进行计算的,公司或公司的下属企业的一般雇员、公司的下属企业或者曾经是下属企业的雇员、曾经是下属企业的雇员而现在成为公司成员的人都不视为合伙人) 3.任何一种其目的在于进行股票认购的公示和公司债券都是禁止的; 4.无论是否给予利息,任何一种其目的在于获得活期或者定期存款的公示都是被禁止的。
这是一家私企公司,应依照下列条款: 1限制股份转让权应依照以下规定的方式 2公司成员的人数(所有合资股东算作一人,公司或分公司所雇的职工不应算在内,以前在公司或分公司雇佣的工人而后成为公司内部人员的人也不算在内)不应超过50人 3任何公开征集认购公司股份或债券的行为应被禁止 4任何公开征集在公司定期抵押款项或电话付费的行为,不论是否提供利息都应被禁止

5,求法律英语翻译和详细解析 If the settling parties agree on the

(7) Disclosure of settlement terms to class members Any proposed or final settlement agreement that is published or otherwise disseminated to the class shall include each of the following statements, along with a cover page summarizing the information contained in such statements: (A) Statement of plaintiff recovery The amount of the settlement proposed to be distributed to the parties to the action, determined in the aggregate and on an average per share basis. (B) Statement of potential outcome of case (i) Agreement on amount of damages【If the settling parties agree on the average amount of damages per share that would be recoverable if the plaintiff prevailed on each claim alleged under this subchapter, a statement concerning the average amount of such potential damages per share.】 (ii) Disagreement on amount of damages If the parties do not agree on the average amount of damages per share that would be recoverable if the plaintiff prevailed on each claim alleged under this subchapter, a statement from each settling party concerning the issue or issues on which the parties disagree. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode15/usc_sec_15_00000077---z001-.html 以上是我搜到的原文,可供参考。你所提问的句子在【】内。 由前文Any proposed or final settlement agreement shall include each of the following statements可知,和解协议要包含如下声明,其中(B)项是“诉讼之可能后果的声明”。 (B)项提到的第一种“可能的后果”,即“就损害赔偿的数额达成一致”,而第二种“可能的后果”是“无法就损害赔偿的数额达成一致”。 综览该网页上的全文,可知其涉及私有证券诉讼。据此,现将你提问的句子试译如下: 如果起诉方在本细目(subchapter)下提出的任何主张均获支持,从而使取得每股损害赔偿成为可能,并且和解各方在赔偿平均数额上达成一致,则就该可能之每股损害赔偿的平均数额出具一份声明。 你这里问到的句子确切地说不是完整的句子,类似于汉语这样说话: 请务必附上如下声明:1、如果就平均数额达成一致,关于平均数额的声明;2、如果无法就平均数额达成一致,关于存在问题的声明。 提醒:法律翻译属格式化专业翻译,我们最好量力而行,我的意思,不是万不得已,不是十分把握,不是具备了相关的法律知识,不要也无需轻易尝试。对专门法律语言的陌生与否并不足证明我们语言素养的高低。
